Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Registration restrictions – A maximum of 100 WebHooks per app is allowed.


If the Connector was uninstalled, webhooks need to be recreated.

4.4 Event Mapping

Event to Generic Interface Action mapping:


Default Values for Generic Interface Actions:

GI Action

Default Value

Issue created


Issue updated


Comment created


Comment updated


Attachment created


Attachment deleted


* interfaceyKey  - identifies the certain interface.


  • Send a Jira Issue data to USU Service Management (Valuemation), where the new Ticket will be created.

  • Send back USU Ticket number and USU Ticket link to Jira Issue.

  • Sending comments from Jira to USU and from USU to Jira.

  • Sending Attachments from Jira to USU.

  • Creating more interfaces which can be active in the same time.


4.7 Scenario configuration

Create Ticket in USM (Jira → USM)

  1. Create new Status in Jira wf

    image-20240325-090610.pngImage Added
  2. Set status event to Issue created

    image-20240325-090736.pngImage Added

  3. Create webhook in Connector app settings

    image-20240325-091000.pngImage Added

5 Use Cases

5.1 Use Case 1: Create new Issue in Jira
